Health and medicine

COVID-19 protection reinforcement materials

COVID-19 protection reinforcement materials
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In the face of an ongoing pandemic, personal protective equipment (PPE) is particularly important. Their proper selection is essential to protect medical workers, pharmacists, as well as those working in care facilities, government institutions or businesses. Read what materials help reduce the likelihood of infection and what to consider when purchasing protective products.

It is most important that disposable products meet all standards, are certified and made from the highest quality materials so they will not fail in a high risk situation.

Disposable protective clothing

The purpose of disposable clothing is to protect the healthcare personnel from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms that may be transmitted through contact with biological material such as blood and other body fluids. It is also important for the patient’s health as it helps prevent infections that occur in the operating room.

It is worth remembering that the material from which the protective clothing is made is important. The material used by staff in the operating room must not dust, as there is a risk that the particles could carry infectious agents.

Disposable clothing usually consists of:

– aprons

– coveralls

– caps

– mouth and chin protection (including antiviral, protective, hygienic and surgical masks)

– gloves

– Gloves

– shoe protectors

Disposable clothing is designed to protect respiratory tract, hands, feet, palms and face. It is widely used not only in hospitals but also in laboratories, diagnostic departments, doctor’s surgeries, dentist’s surgeries, aesthetic medicine surgeries, veterinary clinics and production companies – especially those involved in food processing.

Disposable aprons are essential for maintaining hygiene at work. The most common options are interlining, foil, and cloth. When it comes to disposable interlining aprons, it is a garment made of non-woven polypropylene, thanks to which the material retains its flexibility. The disposable apron helps to maintain sterility and reduce the transmission of contaminants and potential infectious agents.

Another equally important element of clothing that helps eliminate the risks associated with working with harmful substances are protective gloves. We distinguish between nitrile, vinyl and latex gloves – the latter are usually available in powdered and powder-free variants. They protect hands against physical damage and microbial contamination. A wide selection of protective gloves can be found here:

Disposable syringes

Just as important as the use of protective clothing by medical personnel is the use of sterile disposable syringes. Safe three-piece syringes have a needle, rubber seal and closure to prevent accidental leakage during use. High-quality syringes allow for risk-free vaccine application.

Formulations for disinfection and sterilization of instruments

To protect against SARS-Cov-2, in addition to the obvious sterilization of medical instruments, it is equally important to regularly and thoroughly disinfect hands, surfaces, all electronic devices, doorknobs, handrails and push buttons. For this, use skin-safe disinfectant liquids and sprays that are proven effective in destroying the virus.

Main photo: Norma Mortenson/

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