Health and medicine

What properties does coffee have?

What properties does coffee have?
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There are many myths surrounding coffee. Now we know for sure that coffee, when consumed in small amounts, can have health-promoting properties. Read how coffee affects the human body and what recommendations there are for drinking it

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed around the world. It is appreciated for its stimulating effect on the thought processes and for the fact that it improves the mood of many people. Nowadays, it is believed that moderate coffee consumption can be part of a rational and balanced diet.

It is worth noting, however, that the effects of coffee on health depend on genetics, lifestyle and possible medical conditions. The effect of coffee ingredients on the body also depends on factors such as the way the beans are grown, the method of brewing and the frequency of consumption. The presence of additives such as milk, cream, sweetening syrups or sugar can increase the calorific value of the drink and counteract its beneficial effects.

Benefits of drinking coffee

Many people around the world start their day with a cup of coffee. The caffeine present in coffee has a stimulating effect and increases mental activity. It also reduces physical and mental fatigue and improves mood. In addition, coffee, thanks to the caffeine content, increases the ability to focus and increases the concentration time. Some indicate that it also improves memory and the ability to think logically

Caffeine also relieves symptoms associated with insufficient sleep and is a great support for those suffering from fatigue due to time zone changes. Recent studies indicate that long-term coffee drinking may reduce the risk of type two diabetes and lower the risk of heart disease. Coffee also has a beneficial effect on metabolic diseases such as insulin resistance and obesity and speeds up metabolism

Baristas recommend drinking coffee beanswhich are healthier and taste better than instant coffees. Coffee irreversibly loses more than half of its flavor and aroma after a quarter of an hour after grinding, so it’s a good idea to grind beans immediately before brewing

For taste reasons, it is best to choose high-quality coffees made from carefully selected beans. It is important to adjust the coffee’s flavour profile to individual preferences. At you’ll find coffees that stand out with aromas of cocoa, chocolate or nougat.

Other blends, on the other hand, are dominated by aromas of forest fruits and citrus or tart and spicy notes. If you’re looking for coffee for the office or your colleagues are connoisseurs of this drink, check out coffee beans 1kg – economic packaging will allow you to enjoy the taste of your favorite coffee longer, enriched with notes of honey, caramel, fruit, chocolate or nuts

Who should not drink coffee?

Despite its many benefits, coffee can harm anyone if taken in too large quantities. Excessive, long-term consumption of caffeine can lead to addiction and cause a number of adverse symptoms, such as excessive excitability, anxiety, arrhythmia, insomnia, headaches or stomach problems.

Coffee is also not recommended for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. Many doctors advise against caffeine consumption for women who are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant, out of concern for the proper development of the baby.

Main Photo: ?? Janko Ferlič/

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