Health and medicine

CBD hemp oil – everything you need to know about it

CBD hemp oil – everything you need to know about it
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What is CBD oil and what are its uses? What distinguishes it from marijuana, which is prohibited by law? These questions are coming up more and more frequently, and it’s worth knowing the answers if only to take an informed part in the heated discussions about cannabis cultivation and its consequences. Here’s a solid dose of information

What is CBD?

CBD oil is produced from hemp seed. It is a type of concentrate that contains high amounts of CBD, a health-promoting substance. It is extracted from selected varieties of hemp that are high in CBD and low in the narcotic THC. The art of hemp oil production involves first isolating CBD from hemp and then dissolving it in oil. This procedure makes it possible to obtain a preparation with specific parameters and known content.

What is the difference between CBD hemp oil and marijuana?

The main difference is the production of CBD from certain species of hemp, where the concentration of CBD is high and THC, which induces a narcotic state, is low. The situation is exactly the opposite for marijuana, hence it is not a legally permitted substance

When can CBD oil be legal in Poland?

CBD oil is a legal substance in Poland, but the condition for its admission to the market is THC content of less than 0.2%. Most often such preparations are devoid of narcotic additives. It is possible to buy them in pharmacies, but also in online stores. Usually, preparations with a CBD concentration of 5, 10 and 15% are sold

How to use CBD oil

Before using CBD hemp oil, read the information on the package. How to use hemp oil? Typically, this oil is dripped under the tongue. The best solution, as usual in such situations, will be to consult a doctor, who will help you choose the amount of preparation recommended for your specific situation

USA TODAY – What’s all the buzz about CBD oil?

What health-promoting effects does CBD oil have?

The preparation in question is new on the market and has also gained a certain amount of media popularity. This promotes the desire to use it in very different situations, sometimes almost as a ”miracle remedy”, which, however, misses the point. It is also not certain that the preventive use of this substance has a positive effect on health. Research is still being conducted on many issues, but CBD hemp oil should help in the following ways:

  • reduce the frequency of seizures in cases of epilepsy,
  • reduce anxiety, e.g. in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder,
  • has a positive effect in the case of psychosis,
  • supports the treatment of addictions, e.g. to alcohol and drugs.

Effect of CBD hemp oil on cancer

On the Internet there are quite often articles treating CBD as a cure for cancer. In practice, you can not agree with such a position, because it creates the impression that it depends on CBD to cure cancer. However, hemp oil is sometimes presented as an additional substance, which can improve the results of treatment. How does this happen? CBD improves mood and makes an overall improvement in the body that is being destroyed by the disease. It also reduces anxiety, soothes sleep disorders and improves appetite

CBD towards autism

The second controversial topic is the relationship between the use of CBD hemp oil and autism therapy. There have been optimistic reports from parents who have used it that CBD has reduced aggression and epileptic seizures in their patients. However, it turns out that about 1 out of 10 cases of using this substance in patients showed a worsening of results when it came to aggression or self-harm. It seems that efficacy should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

CBD Hemp Oil Toxicity

The substance is rated as relatively safe. Cases of side effects after its use are rare. They are generally limited to nausea, diarrhea or loss of appetite.

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